by Lady Deane

Today (Monday, September 27th, 2021), as I write this, Mercury the planet that rules all things “communication” is just beginning its retrograde journey. This will last until about October 18th, when it will again resume direct motion. Coincidentally, Jupiter...the planet that rules all higher knowledge and broader vision, and who has also been retrograding quietly along for several months now...will be going direct on October 18th too. Meanwhile, Saturn...the planet that rules employment, real estate, and basically all adult responsibilities for that matter....has practically been comatose since May, and THAT planet will also go direct in October...on October 11th. Are you seeing the big picture yet? By mid to late October the sky will be waking up. AND SO SHOULD YOU.

 Which is why I’m writing to you. Sit up straight now. We have things to discuss. Because it’s as if for a brief period of time the planets got together, held a meeting, and decided: “OK down there, let’s get going. Move Forward NOW.” And that brief period of time (for those in the back, not paying a whit of attention) runs basically from Oct 19th or so til about December 18th. The sky during this time is what I’m going to call Celestial Clear Sailing. It does not mean you won’t encounter turbulence, but it does mean you need to get your boat in the water if you hope to go anywhere. And of course please note that along with everything else in life the usual disclaimer applies: “Your Mileage May Vary.”

This action timetable is due in part to the planets moving forward, combined with the final eclipse season of the year (one in November, one in December). A small refresher course on the effect of eclipses: they act like little cleaning dynamos. They vacuum out whatever houses they hit in the natal chart. And their overall effect is to get you super organized. Don’t like to tidy up? Hate getting your ducks in a row? Well, you’re not gonna love eclipse season then. It’s like your mom on steroids. CLEAN UP THOSE DUST BUNNIES BEFORE SHE VISITS BECAUSE SHE WILL FIND THEM! But for those of you who have actually realized that you need to get out of your own damn way once in a while, get ready to make some real progress in life. Eclipses get stuck energy moving again like nobody’s business. They can blast thru sheet rock and move mountains (along with the feeblest of excuses); and they can push obstacles off your path so you can finally gain some traction and move forward.

These are the Eclipses dates to watch for the rest of 2021:

Nov 19th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse @ 27 degrees Taurus/Scorpio

Taurus/Scorpio both rule over resources (financial and otherwise), feeding the senses, sexual drives, intimacy needs, and the life/death cycle. If your natal chart has planets at late degrees of either Taurus or Scorpio you are much more likely to feel this eclipse more strongly. Look for ways to put your financial ducks in a row, organize financial goals or set new goals for the future, buying/selling/refurbishing real estate, and organizing how you make your living.

Dec 4th New Moon Total Solar Eclipse @ 12 degrees Sagittarius

Sagittarius rules over travel, higher education, and higher truth. Sag is a fire sign that likes to charge full speed ahead towards its goal--think race horse. But ask yourself two questions first: 1) Are you fit enough to run that race? and 2) Is that the RIGHT race for you? In other words, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO WIN? If yes to both, then go for it! Your higher self is calling you to action now and the forward momentum you can generate will be awe-inspiring. You are reaching for your own personal best now, so just GO. Then, whatever the outcome, you’ll know that you were in it to win it.

OK, so let me summarize and “Bottom Line It” for you impatient types.

SEP 27th thru OCT 18th Retrograde Energies, Slow Down, Double Check Things. Don’t launch brand new projects now, wait til the end of October for that.

TO DO LIST (what works best)

  • research

  • trouble shoot, test solutions, make further progress on previous projects

  • tie up loose ends

  • finish up what’s already begun, make repairs

  • clear the clutter out, purge items (as well as your diet)

  • reconnect with people from the past

  • re-establish relationship boundaries/rules

OCT 19th thru DEC 18th Direct Motion Energies plus Eclipse Energies, Move Ahead with Plans, Launch Projects, Act, Get Stuff Done!

TO DO LIST (what works best)

  • launch new projects

  • make decisions or agreements

  • sign contracts

  • move/relocate

  • initiate, try new things, ACT, DO, MOVE

  • set goals and move ahead with them

  • make future plans

On Dec 19th, Venus will actually begin her retrograde journey, making us slow down and actually get to know people the old fashioned way. By spending time with them face to face! But that’s for another article. For now, if you act between mid-Oct and mid-Dec you should have a nice open window...at least celestially speaking. So get out there and make your dreams come true. Fall should be brief but spectacular. And, for some of us, dare I say memorable. Run your best race. Then look up and thank your lucky stars!

Til next time....

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